
We are experts at machine learning algorithms for long and short term predictions of energy, applicable to many different settings.

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Application 1

Smart grids

Disturbances in the power quality pollute the power grids and cause costs both economically and environmentally.

By utilizing Eneryield’s machine learning algorithms it is possible to get a more clear picture of the problems they cause.

Application 2

Intelligent power electronics

Power electronics don’t always work at full capacity due to inefficient control systems.

The patent pending machine learning innovation from Eneryield has the capacity to make devices take more informed decisions and boost efficiency, creating the first AI-based generation of power electronics.

Check out one of our test cases here.

Application 3

Predictive maintenance

It is often difficult to understand when components need maintenance and is about to break down.

Eneryield’s machine learning algorithms have the capability to identify and classify signals from components containing important information regarding health status.


Power grid operators

Create a more reliable grid by having more qualified information.


Power electronics manufacturers

Increase efficiency with intelligent control systems.


Manufacturing industry

Map the health of your machines in a smarter way.


Energy analytics companies

Take more informed decisions by improving the precision of analytics.

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